The Jackson Hole Hereford Ranch offers a monthly beef subscription (CSA) to organic, free range beef in Wyoming. New York Steaks, Filets, and ground Beef delivered to your door.
The Jackson Hole Hereford Ranch offers a monthly beef subscription (CSA) to organic, free range beef in Wyoming. New York Steaks, Filets, and ground Beef delivered to your door.
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. When you become a member of a CSA, you are forming a relationship with the people who raise your food, and in return they are committed to raising your food with sustainable and environmentally responsible practices. You also know that your food is grown locally, handled minimally, and not shipped from across the country or even across the world!
CSA brings together community members, farmers and agricultural land in a relationship of mutual support based on a commitment to one another – a commitment that ensures the survival of local farms today and for future generations.
Your Jackson Hole Hereford Ranch beef CSA will include 10 lbs of our sustainably raised local beef each month. The beef comes frozen and consists of an assortment of ground beef, roasts, and steaks. Each CSA includes recipes and cooking tips for the different cuts you receive each month.
You can retrieve your share each month from the Jackson Hole Hereford Ranch, the empty lot across from the Snow King ball field, or have it delivered to your home for an extra fee.
(On S. Park Loop Road across from 3 Creek Golf Course)
Tuesday, June 13th 5-6 pm
Tuesday, July 11th 5-6 pm
Tuesday, August 8th 5-6 pm
(On the corner of Snow King and Cache)
Wednesday, June 14th 5-6 pm
Wednesday, July 12th 5-6 pm
Wednesday, August 9th 5-6 pm
Tuesday, June 13th 12-4 pm
Tuesday, July 11th 12-4 pm
Tuesday, August 8th 12-4 pm
Wednesday, June 14th 12-4 pm
Wednesday, July 12th 12-4 pm
Wednesday, August 9th 12-4 pm
One payment of $500 (due by May 1st). This includes the cost of the cooler used to transport your share, which you will be able to keep at the end of the season.
If you choose the home delivery option your payment will be $575
(Send all your predated checks with your first payment)
Write three checks and send in with your sign up sheet. The first installment of $200.00 (which includes the cost of the cooler used to transport your share) is due May 1st. The two additional predated checks are $150 each and are also due on May 1st. Predated checks will not be deposited until the month of delivery.
If you choose the home delivery option please add $25 to each check.